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CRC for Pollination Security

Over the past 12 months I have attended a number of meetings relating the formation of a Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Pollination Security. CRC’s support medium to long term industry-led collaborative research for up to 10 years. Bids are highly competitive, and amounts awarded are often in the range of $40-70 million.  On 29th July, Wheen Bee Foundation hosted an online forum that was attended by 120 people representing pollination dependent industries, beekeeping, universities, banking and government departments. The feedback from participants indicated there is strong interest in forming a CRC for Pollination Security, with more time needed to be confident that the strategy is right and to understand the details before they could commit funding and researchers wanted more clarity around how they could be involved. The outcome of the Online Forum was that plans are now underway to establish a Core Bid Group of co-investment partners who will steer bid process toward a Round 24 application in August 2022. Wheen Bee Foundation is providing $50,000 in cash and in-kind to support the CRC bid process and act as a secretariat for the bid group. If successful, this could be transformational for both pollination and pollinators.

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