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Discover Bees

It is estimated that about 1000 Australian bees do not have a name, and are therefore invisible. Wheen Bee Foundation has launched a Discover Bees Fund that will support the ambitious campaign by Taxonomy Australia to discover, name and describe all remaining Australian bee species over six years.

A webinar launching the campaign was held during Australian Pollinator Week 2020 and featured Dr Tobias Smith, Dr Rosalyn Gloag and Dr Ken Walker. Dr Smith discussed our amazing bee diversity and the different ‘families’ that exist in Australia. Dr Gloag explained the special features and anatomy of the bee, the importance of pollination and how efficient native bees are, having co-evolved over millennia with our native flora. Dr Walker explained the classifications of bees and the importance of naming bees.

To watch the webinar, download the prospectus or to find out more visit:

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