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Green Carpenter Bee, Kangaroo Island Update

On Earth Day 2020, partnered with Seacology,  the campaign was launched to help save the Green Carpenter Bees on Kangaroo Island.  With 95% of the habitat gone, some of the more promising unburnt sites on Kangaroo Island (private properties and crown land) were recently surveyed for the presence of food and natural nesting material.  Only twelve nests were located after five days of searching.  The good news is that the bees are still there! The bad news is that densities of both the bees and nesting substrate are low. Preparations are underway for artificial nesting stalks to be set out at multiple strategic sites to encourage an increase in the population size. The surveys will continue in July and August.

Banksia Trunks like these have become rare after the fires.

In the burnt areas, grass trees have begun to push up flowering stalks. 

Once flowering is finished and the stalks have dried out, between 3 and 6 years from now, they will become prime real estate for the bees.

By that time, we hope that the ground will be covered in flowers and will have recovered as well!

In the meantime, we need to increase the population in the areas where the bees can find food.

Supplies to make 550 nesting stalks have been delivered to the Kangaroo Island  Men’s shed. Their assistance with making the nesting stalks is invaluable.  The stalks will be placed in un-burnt sites over winter, so the bees that are left have plenty of opportunity to find  places to nest.

Pictured above: Remko Leijs delivering materials to construct 550 nesting stalks to Graeme Connell from the KI Men’s shed.

Thanks for supporting the recovery of this beautiful bee!

To assist these conservation efforts to save the Green Carpenter Bee, please donate here: 

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